For prevention of flystrike at docking/tailing, & the prevention of poll strike.

Further Information

Provides up to 6 weeks protection against flystrike caused by common strike flies including the Australian blowfly (Lucilia cuprina).

The period of protection may be reduced if there is excessive fleece soiling, or if wool infection such as mycotic dermatitis is present, or by prolonged heavy rain following treatment.

No known resistance.

Product Features

  • Ideal for lambs at docking/tailing
  • Suitable for use between 4 and 12 weeks after shearing
  • Can be used on all breeds of sheep
  • Red indicator dye (temporary)

Effective Against

For the preventative control of blowfly strike on sheep.

Active Ingredients

60 g/L Cyromazine

Withholding Periods:
Meat 7 Days / Milk 35 Days / Wool 60 Days
Dose Rate:
Pack Size:
10L & 20L

ACVM Act 1997 No. A012004

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