For the treatment and control of mature, immature stages of all major gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms (including those resistant to either Benzimidazole or Levamisole) and tapeworms in sheep. Also provides supplementary source of copper, cobalt, iodine, zinc and selenium.

Product Features

  • Combines two anthelmintics with alternative modes of action
  • Effective drench that can be used all year round on stock of all ages
  • Provides a supplemental source of copper, selenium, cobalt, zinc and iodine

Effective Against

For the treatment and control of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms and tapeworms.

Active Ingredients

40 g/L Levamisole Hydrochloride and 22.65 g/L Oxfendazole.

Added Minerals

2.5 g/L Copper, 0.21 g/L Cobalt, 0.76 g/L Iodine, 1.25 g/L Zinc and 0.5 g/L Selenium.

Withholding Periods:
Meat 14 Days / Milk 35 Days
Dose Rate:
Pack Size:

ACVM Act 1997 No. A011956

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